The proposed improvements to South Second Street include a Complete Streets project that will enhance the safety, performance,and sustainability of the roadway. The proposed project area includes South Second Street from Martin Luther King Boulevard to the street’s terminus at Hustonville Road (US 127) which is approximately 4,900 linear feet of a two-lane street.
The most recent traffic counts for South Second Street provided by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet are 5,780 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) in 2020, which was likely impacted by COVID, and 7 ,235 AADT in 2017. These traffic counts have led to a high rate of crashes along the corridor, particularly at intersections with other City streets, and an unsafe environment for pedestrians and cyclists. Upgrades to the existing roadway include the addition of, or improvements to the following: drainage systems, curbs, sidewalks, and bicycle facilities. Also, existing intersections will be evaluated for adequate sight distances and appropriate grade/superelevation design.
The following supporting documents address the Merit Criteria for the proposed project including: